Alex Stivala

International fellow, SoNAR-C Social Network Analysis Research Center, Institute of Computational Science, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.

PhD graduate, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Melbourne, supervised by Prof. Peter J. Stuckey and Dr Tony Wirth



Please do not contact me about supervision. I am merely a junior ("level A" in Australian terminology) postdoc, and not a "professor". I do not supervise students (at any level).


All of my publications are available for free online, via this website.

Please note: I no longer review for, or submit manuscripts to, journals published by Elsevier.

Google Scholar profile (this is the best source for up-to-date publication and citation information).

Journal articles

Book chapter



Supplementary material for publications

Source code, data sets, web server (where applicable) etc. related to the publications above are available via the following links:

Alternate research website




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